Winter Operations | Runway Assessment and Condition Reporting

Winter Operations


The method that the FAA uses to report and interpret runway conditions during inclement winter operations has been updated to eliminate misinformation. The Runway Condition Assessment Matrix (RCAM) is the new methodology for conveying actual runway conditions. The RCAM is presented in a standardized format for each of the contaminant types and depths, based on airplane performance data supplied by aircraft manufacturers. Braking action advisory reports by pilots will also be used to assess braking performance. 

Braking Action Advisories 

Reports made by pilots to share their perception of deceleration and directional control on runways contaminated by slush, standing water, ice or snow are called Braking Action Reports. When weather conditions are such that deteriorating or rapidly changing braking action is possible, or when braking action is less than good, Air Traffic Control (ATC) will announce that braking action advisories are in effect. 

During this time, pilots are expected to report the braking action that they experience during landing. ATC will then issue these reports to subsequent landing and departing aircraft. The reports will include the type of aircraft issuing the report, as well as the time that the observation was made. 

Pilot Reported Braking Action Terms 

The following terminology is now in place to assess braking performance. 

  • Good 
  • Braking deceleration is normal for the wheel braking effort applied. Directional control is normal. 
  • Good to Medium 
  • Braking deceleration OR directional control is between good and medium. 
  • Medium 
  • Braking deceleration is noticeably reduced for the wheel braking effort applied OR directional control is noticeably reduced. 
  • Medium to Poor 
  • Braking deceleration OR directional control is between medium and poor. 
  • Poor 
  • Braking deceleration is significantly reduced for the wheel braking effort applied OR directional control is significantly reduced. 
  • Nil 
  • Braking deceleration is minimal to non-existent for the wheel braking effort applied OR directional control is uncertain. 

Making a Pilot Braking Action Report 

When providing a braking action report to ATC, the following items should be included: 

  • The appropriate braking action term (good, medium, medium to poor etc.) 
  • The portion of the runway for which the braking action report applies. 
  • The type of aircraft. 
  • Where the pilot exited the runway. 

When assessing the reliability of a braking report, pilots should consider the characteristics of the reporting aircraft. For example, is it a turboprop or a jet? What is the weight class (heavy, large or small)? Does the aircraft have reverse thrust on tail mounted engines, wing mounted engines, or no reverse at all? If the reporting airplane does not have characteristics that are similar to the operating aircraft, then the pilot will have to decide how much of the report applies to his/her situation. 

Runway Friction Reports and Advisories 

The Runway Condition Assessment Matrix (RCAM) was designed to tie together runway contaminant descriptions, braking action reports, and aircraft performance data by utilizing numeric codes of 0-6. The assessment criteria include the type of contamination and the temperature/depth of contaminant. A code of 6 is given to dry runway conditions with good braking and wet ice with nil braking is a 0. The complete table can be found in SAFO 16009. 


The NOTAM system will report the runway condition codes (RwyCC) and the airport operator will ensure that the codes accurately represent the current runway condition. Winter operations can be difficult to navigate based on a wide variety of issues, but having a standardized method of determining runway conditions will certainly help pilots maintain a high level of safety for themselves and their passengers. 

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