Land and Hold Short

Land and Hold Short Operations

Land and Hold Short Operations (LAHSO) offers pilots refresher or initial training covering LAHSO operations.

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Our Land and Hold Short Operations (LAHSO) course instructs pilots on how to determine landing distance and weight requirements for LAHSO operations, as well as what provisions must be met prior to accepting LAHSO. This comprehensive training covers crucial aspects such as factors affecting landing distance, LAHSO requirements, and LAHSO procedures.

For Part 135, Part 125, and Part 91 pilot training, this subject provides essential training for crewmembers authorized to perform LAHSO. Additionally, the course delves into pilot-controller communications and airport markings, ensuring that all crewmembers are well-prepared for safe and efficient LAHSO operations.

Topics Addressed
  • Factors Affecting Landing Distance
  • LAHSO Requirements
  • LAHSO Procedures
  • Pilot-Controller Communications and Airport Markings

Requirements and Resources

  • 14 CFR 135.329
  • 14 CFR 135.345
  • Operations Specification/MSPEC A027

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