TSA 12.5 SSP Now Available!
Our revamped Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Twelve-five Standard Security Program (TFSSP) training is now available. Our new subject aligns with the recently revised TFSSP training requirements.
CTS has expanded our training program to feature training for all 12.5 employees and authorized representatives, including a section geared toward personnel who serve as both the Ground Security Coordinator and In-Flight Security Coordinator, along with International Operations. Our training fulfills the requirements in 1544.238 – Training and knowledge for individuals with security-related duties, as well as 1520 – Protection of Sensitive Security Information.
Our TSA 12.5 SSP subject is in a modular format allowing for each company to tailor the training to individual needs. It includes five video based tutorials covering an Overview of TSA, Ground Security Coordinator (GSC), In-Flight Security Coordinator (ISC), All-Cargo, and International Operations. The course also includes supplementary text based lessons that include additional information for the previously mentioned topics. The course ends with a comprehensive exam to complete the training experience.
CTS provides subjects perfect for initial or recurrent training that can be taken anytime and anywhere a user has a device and access to the internet. If you are interested in our TSA TFSSP training, need a complete training package, or have any further questions regarding CTS training, give us a call at 316-265-1585. You can also view a complete list of our training courses on our website.