The GPS online training course provides pilots with an understanding of GPS systems and uses.

Experience the benefits of online training today!


Our GPS course covers all the essential tools and techniques for handling GPS accurately and effectively, helping pilots avoid errors. Pilots will gain a deep understanding of key concepts such as RAIM, RNP, Noise, Bias, and Orbital Errors, WAAS and GBAS, GPS NOTAMs, Operational Guides, STAR procedures, Fly-over and Fly-by Waypoint techniques, Localizer Performance, and Lateral and Vertical Navigation. Additionally, we cover Departure Procedures to ensure pilots are well-prepared for any flight scenario.

Designed for pilots operating under Part 135, Part 125, and Part 91 regulations, this course offers essential knowledge and information to users worldwide. We offer tailored courses for fixed-wing and rotor-wing pilots, ensuring that all properly equipped users benefit from our training.

Topics Addressed
  • RAIM
  • RNP
  • Noise, Bias, and Orbital Errors
  • WAAS and GBAS
  • Operational Guides
  • STAR
  • Fly-over and Fly-by Waypoint
  • Localizer Performance
  • Lateral and Vertical Navigation
  • Departure Procedures

Requirements and Resources

  • 14 CFR Part 23.2615 (a)
  • 14 CFR Part 135.345 (a)(5)

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Computer Training Systems