
Our GPS course covers all the essential tools and techniques for handling GPS accurately and effectively, helping pilots avoid errors. Pilots will gain a deep understanding of key concepts such as RAIM, RNP, Noise, Bias, and Orbital Errors, WAAS and GBAS, GPS NOTAMs, Operational Guides, STAR procedures, Fly-over and Fly-by Waypoint techniques, Localizer Performance, and […]


Tcas ii

Our TCAS II course provides an overview of Traffic Collision Avoidance System (TCAS), detailing why it was developed and highlighting its significant safety benefits. This course is designed to equip pilots with an understanding of the fundamental concepts of TCAS. It ensures that, regardless of the specific product they use, pilots will have a clear […]

PRM-SOIA Procedures

Prm-soia procedures

Our PRM-SOIA Procedures course provides a foundation for understanding how Precision Runway Monitoring (PRM) and Simultaneous Offset Instrument Approach (SOIA) procedures are conducted. This course delves into the essential contingencies used if aircraft cannot maintain appropriate distances during landing, ensuring an understanding of these critical procedures. Several key topics are covered, including general requirements, PRM […]

Physiology and First-Aid

Physiology and first-aid

We offer Physiology and First-Aid courses tailored to Fixed Wing or Rotor Wing flight crews that fulfill the requirements for training over altitude related illness and how to respond to illness, injury, or abnormal situations involving passengers or crew during flight. For Part 135, Part 125, and Part 91 pilot training, our Physiology and First […]

METAR and TAF Online Aviation Training Course

Metar and taf

Our METAR and TAF course is designed to help pilots of Part 135, Part 125, and Part 91 understand coded weather reports and forecasts. This course offers a comprehensive introduction to the elements of aviation weather reports, how they are coded, and how to interpret them. Through this course, pilots will review METAR elements and […]

FAR Regulations

Far regulations parts 43, 91, 110, 119, 135,125

We offer FAR Regulations courses for Part 91, Part 125, and Part 135 operators, and cover maintenance regulations as well. Courses include Part 91 Subpart F, 14 CFR Part 1-97 and 49 CFR Part 830, 14 CFR Part 110, 119, 125, and 135. The rotor wing courses are separated by IFR and VFR depending on […]

Single Pilot Resource Management

Single pilot resource management

Our Single-Pilot Resource Management (SRM) course integrates crew resource management concepts to empower pilots with essential tools for every phase of solo flight. Delving into risk assessment, resource management, and decision-making, this training equips pilots with tools to adeptly evaluate hazards, mitigate risks, and navigate situations effectively. This SMS course lays a solid knowledge base […]

Winter Operations

Winter operations

Our fixed-wing and rotor-wing Winter Operations courses focus on cold temperature subjects such as in-flight and ground icing, deicing procedures, various deicing and anti-icing fluid types, holdover tables, runway contamination, and the intricacies of operating in cold weather conditions. This comprehensive curriculum addresses the unique challenges of cold weather, including the effects of icing on […]

ADS-B Overview

Ads-b training

ADS-B Overview focuses on ensuring pilots have a working understanding of their ADS-B equipment, how to utilize the equipment according to regulatory requirements, what services are available, as well as how to avoid common human factors errors associated with ADS-B. The course will provide pilots with a basic understanding of the system symbols and how […]

Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum (RVSM)

Reduced vertical separation minimum (rvsm)

Our Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum (RVSM) course is tailored for pilots authorized to operate between FL290 and FL410. Pilots will gain crucial insights into safe operations within this airspace, enhancing airspace capacity and leveraging more fuel-efficient altitudes. This course covers RVSM procedures, turbulence management, minimum weather alternate (MWA) considerations, effective communications, and contingency actions. Through […]

Computer Training Systems