HIPAA Training for the New Age


Not your average HIPAA course.

CTS continues to roll out new subjects, this time stepping outside of our typical online aviation training and into the world of health care. We utilized all the same tactics we use in our other trainings which is: animated video-modules and engaging lesson questions, followed by a comprehensive exam. Now, CTS is excited to share some of the features of our Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) course. Keep reading to learn more about how this course will benefit each and every healthcare operation, including Air Medical operators.

HIPAA improves the efficiency and effectiveness of the healthcare system and applies to all health care providers, including medical flight personnel. The tutorials feature easy to follow interactive dynamic 3D animated graphics and immersive audio that assures comprehension of the training material. Within the video-based modules we have a learning checkpoint to test students on their recently learned knowledge. Check out a demo of the learning checkpoint below!

Hipaa learning checkpoint

Along with these exciting new training features, we also guarantee accuracy with the source material in all our courses. When you train with CTS, you never have to worry about out-of-date information. Do you see something in the subject that doesn’t seem right? You can send feedback directly in the training portal. Our content experts respond to and address concerns on a regular basis to keep up with current standards.

Are you ready to start ensuring your patient’s safety, along with their security? Email sales@www.ctsys.com for more. Interested in other course offerings? Browse our website or email content@www.ctsys.com to learn about how we can cater and customize subjects to your operation.

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