Part 135 Online Pilot Training: Take the leap! Part IV | CTS Blog

Part 135 Online Pilot Training: Take the leap! Part IV

Online Pilot Training

The Pilot’s View

Let’s say you’re a pilot who works for an amazing company that has decided to transition to world class online pilot training. Maybe you’re not so sure about it…how it works, what you will get out of it, how difficult it will be….. Maybe you just want to know what’s in it for you???

Well, actually….plenty!

Beginning with convenience.

Loads and loads of convenience. For instance, how would you like to do your recurrent training AFTER your son’s baseball game, instead of DURING your son’s baseball game?? Online pilot training let’s you choose how much you get done in a given afternoon (or evening or week). Your company instructor will enter all of your details in the training program and then advise you when your training window is open. From there, YOU take over the responsibility of completing your training by the due date.

There are no more classroom schedules. No more 8-5 training sessions. You set your own schedule. You can train at 0200 if you’re a night owl. 0600 if you’re an early riser. You can train on overnights and save your “home time” for family fun. It’s such a great deal!

Next is relevance.

Your training will be custom made for YOU. If you fly international, you will train on international procedures. If you don’t, you won’t. If your company has multiple operations, you will only be responsible for your area of expertise. All of the subjects are custom picked for you. Brilliant!

Finally, you’re going to learn something!

You know how easy it is to zone out while listening to your instructor drone on about this and that? Well, no more! You will now be playing an active role in your online pilot training: answering questions, taking quizzes and exams, watching videos and tutorials. And because it’s all relevant to you, YOU will retain more of the information, especially since you know there will be a friendly quiz when you complete the unit.

If something isn’t exactly clear, you can review it as many times as you need… (we all know how nobody likes the guy/girl in class who asks too many questions, so the rest of you miss a full lunch). No worries about that anymore. Rewatch a video, go back to a tutorial. Whatever you need is at your command.

In addition, during each training students can leave comments with any questions or kudos they would like to provide us. Our responsive team actively monitors and responds to this feedback on a continual basis, allowing everyone to be heard and every note to be addressed.

So that’s it! Plan your online pilot training around your schedule, instead of your schedule around your training! And if you’re one of the unlucky ones who has to suffer through traditional training, tell your flight department to get with the program! Online pilot training is the way of the future and the time to get on board is now!!

How CTS fits in.

Dedicated to streamlining the training process, CTS offers online pilot training courses with ease of access and built-in progress tracking at a significant savings over in-person training. In looking to be your most responsive training partner, CTS provides concierge-level service, by offering cost effective and value-added solutions to your training needs.

From Alpha to Zulu and everywhere in between, our courses can cover all your training bases from the front office to the hangar and outstations. The first step is a review of your training program and tailoring the content, from off-the-shelf to 100% customization. Whether looking for a single course or a more comprehensive package, we’ll assist in regulatory approvals, provide top-tier support for end-users and account administrators, and be responsive to content updates.

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