Class D Airspace Refresher for the Digital Age
A Class D Airspace Refresher Full disclosure: it’s been a long time since I’ve looked at a sectional chart. Back in the day, it was pretty routine to have a crumpled up High Altitude IFR
A Class D Airspace Refresher Full disclosure: it’s been a long time since I’ve looked at a sectional chart. Back in the day, it was pretty routine to have a crumpled up High Altitude IFR
Stressors of flight include laser strikes from the ground Laser strikes on aircraft are up 250% since the FAA started tracking this information in 2010. Because of this, the FAA has put out a resource
GPS Navigation Changes With the January 1, 2020 deadline for ADS-B out certification just around the corner, pilots will be required to assess how their GPS Navigation position reporting avionics will perform PRIOR to takeoff
Flight planning without reading NOTAMs may cause you to miss that one quirk at an airport My phone buzzed at 2 AM and I fumbled for the light, desperately trying to wake up and comprehend
Crew resource management can help you be ready for anything in flight Things can go south fast in an airplane. In a blink of an eye you can find yourself scrambling to save your aircraft,
It’s a bird…flying right towards you – both the FARs and the AIM say your responsible to know it’s there already Wait. Did I read that right? According to both the FARs and the AIM,
Aviation flight planning gets help with a new app The boss wanted to go to Telluride for a ski trip last winter. No problem, I thought. A little aviation flight planning and off we’d go.
Flight planning is getting easier with online flight apps With all of the aviation apps available these days, it’s hard to know which ones make the most sense for the type of flying you do.
GPS Navigation Jamming It’s easy to take GPS navigation for granted, especially since it is becoming such an integral part of modern day aviation. GPS disruption, however, is a growing problem that needs to be
Pilot training that involves physical training Physical strength is rarely an issue in pilot training these days. Because of hydraulics and fly-by-wire systems, modern aircraft can often be flown using just your fingertips, but it
A Class D Airspace Refresher Full disclosure: it’s been a long time since I’ve looked at a sectional chart. Back in the day, it was pretty routine to have a crumpled up High Altitude IFR
Stressors of flight include laser strikes from the ground Laser strikes on aircraft are up 250% since the FAA started tracking this information in 2010. Because of this, the FAA has put out a resource
GPS Navigation Changes With the January 1, 2020 deadline for ADS-B out certification just around the corner, pilots will be required to assess how their GPS Navigation position reporting avionics will perform PRIOR to takeoff
Flight planning without reading NOTAMs may cause you to miss that one quirk at an airport My phone buzzed at 2 AM and I fumbled for the light, desperately trying to wake up and comprehend
Crew resource management can help you be ready for anything in flight Things can go south fast in an airplane. In a blink of an eye you can find yourself scrambling to save your aircraft,
It’s a bird…flying right towards you – both the FARs and the AIM say your responsible to know it’s there already Wait. Did I read that right? According to both the FARs and the AIM,
Aviation flight planning gets help with a new app The boss wanted to go to Telluride for a ski trip last winter. No problem, I thought. A little aviation flight planning and off we’d go.
Flight planning is getting easier with online flight apps With all of the aviation apps available these days, it’s hard to know which ones make the most sense for the type of flying you do.
GPS Navigation Jamming It’s easy to take GPS navigation for granted, especially since it is becoming such an integral part of modern day aviation. GPS disruption, however, is a growing problem that needs to be
Pilot training that involves physical training Physical strength is rarely an issue in pilot training these days. Because of hydraulics and fly-by-wire systems, modern aircraft can often be flown using just your fingertips, but it