Runway Braking Action

Runway Braking Action Codes

Runway Takeoff and Landing Performance Assessment (TALPA) The braking action report for the runway you are about to land on is 5/3/2. Is that good? Is it Bad? What are runway braking action codes and

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Pressure Altitude Correction

Cold and getting colder

What cold temperatures mean to calculating a pressure altitude correction High-to-low, look-out-below! We’ve been hearing that since our private-pilot days. But what about “Cold and low, look out below”? How many times have you heard

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Part 135 Icing

SLD Icing: Avoid, avoid, avoid!

Supercooled Large Droplets…If that phrase doesn’t make your skin crawl, then you probably haven’t inadvertently flown into them. The dreaded SLD…You know there is something different about this icing encounter because of the “splat” noise

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Online Aviation Training Winter Fueling

Winter fueling – Timing is key

As the days get shorter and the temperatures start to hover at or below freezing, it’s a good idea to spend a few extra minutes thinking about the best time to fuel your aircraft prior

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Online Pilot Training Icing Considerations

Icing: Concerns & Considerations

Staying Safe in Winter Weather Winter flying is generally characterized by increased weather hazards. Arguably, the most significant of these is icing and its many associated risks. Pilots must be aware of the different types

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Aviation Weather

Cloud Identification for Pilots: Icing

Cooler weather is coming and so are its threats to aircraft. Cloud identification assists in avoiding turbulence, thunderstorms, and icing. Icing holds major hazards for airmen, so we have dedicated this blog to identifying the

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Aviation Weather - Thunderstorms

Cloud Identification for Pilots: Thunderstorms

Convective cloud conundrums and solutions. As we previously discussed in our turbulence blog, all cumulus clouds, particularly towering cumulus, provide visual aids for areas you may wish to avoid. On top of turbulence, another hazard

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Recent Posts
Runway Braking Action

Runway Braking Action Codes

Runway Takeoff and Landing Performance Assessment (TALPA) The braking action report for the runway you are about to land on is 5/3/2. Is that good? Is it Bad? What are runway braking action codes and

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Pressure Altitude Correction

Cold and getting colder

What cold temperatures mean to calculating a pressure altitude correction High-to-low, look-out-below! We’ve been hearing that since our private-pilot days. But what about “Cold and low, look out below”? How many times have you heard

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Part 135 Icing

SLD Icing: Avoid, avoid, avoid!

Supercooled Large Droplets…If that phrase doesn’t make your skin crawl, then you probably haven’t inadvertently flown into them. The dreaded SLD…You know there is something different about this icing encounter because of the “splat” noise

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Online Aviation Training Winter Fueling

Winter fueling – Timing is key

As the days get shorter and the temperatures start to hover at or below freezing, it’s a good idea to spend a few extra minutes thinking about the best time to fuel your aircraft prior

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Online Pilot Training Icing Considerations

Icing: Concerns & Considerations

Staying Safe in Winter Weather Winter flying is generally characterized by increased weather hazards. Arguably, the most significant of these is icing and its many associated risks. Pilots must be aware of the different types

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Aviation Weather

Cloud Identification for Pilots: Icing

Cooler weather is coming and so are its threats to aircraft. Cloud identification assists in avoiding turbulence, thunderstorms, and icing. Icing holds major hazards for airmen, so we have dedicated this blog to identifying the

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Aviation Weather - Thunderstorms

Cloud Identification for Pilots: Thunderstorms

Convective cloud conundrums and solutions. As we previously discussed in our turbulence blog, all cumulus clouds, particularly towering cumulus, provide visual aids for areas you may wish to avoid. On top of turbulence, another hazard

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